We ask you to confirm that you have read the document after you have familiarized yourself with it.
Please acknowledge reading of the document at the bottom of this page.
- Johdanto
- Basic property information
- Organisation
- Risks
- Safety procedures
- Other arrangements
- Action guidelines
- Safety organisation
- Alerting help
- Sudden illness or accident
- Fire
- Fire action guide, when safe exits are blocked
- Action in a fire alarm situation
- Action in the gathering area
- Assisting people with reduced mobility in emergency situations
- Water damage
- Under threat of violence
- Bomb threat
- Public warning signal
- Blackouts
- Civil defence
- Safeguard evasion
- Storing movables
- Attachments
- Vuokralaisten velvollisuudet
- How to use a small fire extinguisher
- Car shelter
- Car heating cables
- Key security
Pelastussuunnitelma on tarkoitettu Quartetto Business Parkin Alto ja Violin -taloissa toimivien yritysten, kiinteistöjohdon sekä muiden kiinteistössä työskentelevien henkilöiden käyttöön. Pelastustoiminnan organisointi ja toimintasuunnitelma on toteutettu yhteistyössä kiinteistön edustajan ja Securitas Oy:n Consulting -yksikön toimesta. Pelastussuunnitelmassa käsitellään pelastustoiminnan järjestelyjä sekä kohteen omatoimista varautumista.
Pelastussuunnitelma on luokiteltu luottamukselliseksi dokumentiksi ja sen jakelu on rajoitettu kiinteistön omistajalle ja haltijalle, toiminnanharjoittajien edustajille, suojeluorganisaatiolle sekä viranomaisille.
Basic property information
Violin (A-talo) ja Alto (B-talo) ovat osa Espoon Leppävaarassa sijaitsevaa Quartetto Business Parkia. Talot ovat 6 kerroksisia ja lisäksi kiinteistöön kuuluu 2 kellarikerrosta. Kiinteistössä toimii 20-30 yritystä.
Basic information
Property name | Quartetto Alto & Violin |
Building address |
Linnoitustie 4 A-B 02600 ESPOO |
Number of buildings | 2 |
Property owner |
tel. 02061421 http://www.keva.fi/ |
Year of construction | 2001 |
Number of floors | 6 |
Fire class | P1 |
Building material | Concrete |
Use | Office |
Year of construction | 2001 |
Number of floors | 6 |
Fire class | P1 |
Building material | Concrete |
Use | Office |
Other information
The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: Western Uusimaa. The rescue department's estimated time of arrival at the site is approximately 5 minutes.
Fire alarm manager |
Paloilmotinlaitteenhoitaja phone 0204912000 |
Location of the fire alarm | Violin 1.krs A1-porras |
Maintenance | Bravida Finland Oy phone 0800156666 service 0800156666 |
Electricity supplier |
Caruna Espoo Oy
tel. 0800195011 |
Water company |
HSY Vesi
service line 0915613000 https://www.hsy.fi/fi/asiointi/vikailmoitukset/vesikatkot |
Surveillance company's contact info |
tel. 0204912000 On-call tel. 0204912600 http://www.securitas.fi |
Gathering area | Linnoitustien puoleinen jalkakäytäväalue |
Back-up gathering area | Suojelujohdon tai pelastusviranomaisen osoittama muu paikka |
Number of civil defence shelters | 3 |
Location of civil defence shelter VSS1 | Alto K2-krs (varastot) |
Location of civil defence shelter VSS2 | Alto K2-krs (sosiaalitilat) |
Location of civil defence shelter VSS3 | Alto K2-krs (kuntosali) |
Heating type | District heating |
Heat distribution room | K2-krs |
Electricity switchboard | K2-krs |
Ventilation device |
Air ventilation emergency stop |
Paloilmoitinkeskuksella (Violin 1. krs, A-porras) |
Number of people
During the day | In the evening | At night | |
On weekdays | 380 | 0 | 0 |
Lisäksi asiakkaat. Iltaisin paikalla vaihteleva määrä henkilökuntaa. | |||
On weekends | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Viikonloppuisin paikalla vaihteleva määrä henkilökuntaa. |
Property manager , protection manager |
Jussi Niemi-Aro NIEMCO Management Oy phone 0452332881 jussi.niemi-aro@niemco.fi |
Lobby service |
Violinin aulapalvelu NIEMCO Management Oy phone 0929054060 aula@quartettoviolin.fi |
Lobby service |
Alton aulapalvelu NIEMCO Management Oy phone 092976251 aula@quartettoalto.fi |
Safety personnel for the property
Manager of civil defence shelter VSS1, VSS2, VSS3 | Kiinteistöhuolto |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS1 | phone 095417059 |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS2 | phone 095417062 |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS3 | phone 095417065 |
Kiinteistöjohto vastaa yleisten tilojen pelastustoiminnasta ja paloturvallisuudesta. Kiinteistöjohto ylläpitää kiinteistölle tehtyä pelastussuunnitelmaa ja toimii osana suojelujohtoa. Kiinteistöjohto järjestää turvallisuuskoulutuksia yritysten tarpeiden mukaan.
Lisätietoja saa kiinteistön toimitilapäälliköltä ja asiakaspalveluassistentilta.
Jokainen yritys vastaa omien tilojensa paloturvallisuudesta ja pelastustoiminnasta. Yritysten tulee nimetä turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö, joka toimii osana suojelujohtoa. Henkilö huolehtii edustamansa yrityksen osalta suojeluvalvojien riittävyydestä sekä heidän perehdyttämisestään suojeluvalvojan tehtävään. Henkilövaihdoksissa poistuvien henkilöiden tilalle tulee aina nimetä uudet suojeluvalvojat. Turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö ylläpitää nimi- ja yhteystietolistaa yrityksensä suojeluvalvojista ja ilmoittaa henkilömuutoksista kiinteistön johdolle. Vuokralaiset toimivat osana kiinteistön suojeluorganisaatiota.
Vartiointi ja aulapalvelut
Aulapalvelu suorittaa vartiointi- ja asiakaspalvelutehtäviä. Aulapalvelu on avoinna arkisin klo 7:45 – 15:45. Muina aikoina kiinteistön vartioinnista vastaa Securitas Oy:n piirivartijat yhdessä hälytyskeskuksen kanssa.
Important numbers of the property
Task | Name | Telephone number | Service phone number |
Maintenance company | Bravida Finland Oy | 0800156666 | 0800156666 |
Lift maintenance | KONE Hissit Oy | 080015063 | |
Surveillance company's contact info | Securitas | 0204912000 | 0204912600 |
Name | Telephone number | Duty hours | |
Fire alarm: Attendant | Paloilmotinlaitteenhoitaja | 0204912000 | |
Maintenance duty | Caverion (vikailmoitukset) | 0800156666 | Continuous duty |
Other important numbers
Operator | Telephone number | Duty hours |
Public emergency numbers | 112 | 24 h |
Poison information centre | 0800 147 111 | 24 h |
From the point of view of safety and security, a risk is the combination of the probability of an accident happening and the possible consequences. Recognising risks in any property is an important part of safety and security. In the following pages, risks related to individuals, property, and environment are recognised. For all recognised risks, there are suggestions on how to act accordingly to eliminate, diminish, and manage risks. Only a recognised risk can be controlled.
Risk classifications concerning the property and people:
- Accidents
- Fire hazards
- Water damage
- Cases of illness
- Radiation or gas hazard
- Storm damage
- Break-ins, vandalism, etc.
- falling down
- slipping
- tripping
- snow or ice falling down on people
- traffic accidents
- obstacles along the rescue route
- damage to property
- personal injuries
Actions and safety and security preparations
- The build-up of snow and ice on roofs must be monitored in the winter.
- Hazard spots are to be reported immediately to property maintenance company.
- In hazardous situations traffic or parking must be prevented in the area where ice or snow can fall down.
The yard area is to be kept neat and in good condition.
- Winter upkeep will be taken care of.
- Close call -situations are intervened with immediately. Close call -situations are investigated and necessary measures are taken to counteract the situation to prepare for and prevent similar situations.
- Everyone must familiarise themselves with the general first aid instructions.
Fire hazards
- Human behaviour
- careless smoking
- storing items in passageways
- storing items in staircases
- fire doors open
- Electrical devices
- short circuits
- broken electronic appliance
- cleaning machine charging point
- Arson
- Safety procedures
- fire alarm device fault
- inspection of extinguishers not done
- lack of indicator light centre maintenance
- obstacles along the rescue route
- Others
Fire-hazardous locations are, for example technical areas and other equivalent property areas.
- damage to property
- smoke damage
- personal injuries
Actions and safety and security preparations
- Human behaviour
- Independent fire inspections are performed yearly within the property
- It is important to take care of exiting safety:
- personnel keep the escape routes clear.
- active intervention in defects.
- The rescue plan is kept up to date and studied.
- Electrical devices
- Electrical repairs and installations are contracted to TUKES-registered professionals. The contractor must have sufficient installation certificates and experience from similar work.
- Electrical switchboards are marked and materials are not kept in front of them.
- Prevention of explosion and fire hazards should be taken into account at the charging place.
- Arson
- An additional fire load is not accumulated.
- Safety procedures
- The property has a smoke extraction system which is inspected, serviced and tested as per the device manufacturer's service programme.
- The location has an automatic fire alarm system.
- The testing and maintenance of fire alarm equipment are carried out in accordance with the maintenance programme.
- The property has initial extinguishing devices.
- Initial extinguishing equipment is inspected in accordance with directives.
- Escape routes are marked with signs.
- Others
- Flammable substances are not to be stored in the basement or attic. Flammable substances must be stored in the spaces reserved for them.
- Ventilation and sweeping
- The time period between cleaning AC ducts is usually 10 years.
Water damage
- flood
- heavy rain
- waterproofing failure of structures
- an accident caused by structural and material errors
- broken pipes
- washing machines and refrigerators breaking down
- damage to property
Actions and safety and security preparations
HWA works, inspections, and installations are contracted only to professionals.
- An HWA contractor must possess sufficient installation certificates and the contractor must have done similar work before.
- An assessment of the state of the plumbing is carried out regularly.
- Leaves and litter on the roof and in the gutters should be removed.
HWA works, inspections, and installations are contracted only to professionals.
- Supervised use of household appliances and emphasising the importance of their maintenance.
- The filters and lint strainer in the dish washer and the laundry machine must be cleaned regularly.
- The back of the fridge must be vacuumed once per year. At the same time, the condition of the fridge is also to be inspected visually, with regard to the compressor and drip tray.
- Supervised use of household appliances and emphasising the importance of their maintenance.
Cases of illness
- heart failure
- diabetic shock
- stroke
- cerebral haemorrhage
- epilepsy
- fainting
- obstacles along the rescue route
- personal injuries
- death
Actions and safety and security preparations
- Guaranteeing speedy access to help within the property.
- The rescue routes at the property have been marked and they are to be kept clear.
- Everyone should familiarise themselves with the first aid guidelines attached to the rescue plan and giving first aid should be rehearsed.
- Ambulance guidance has been organised and this has been passed on to the personnel.
- The stopping of rescue vehicles outside the exterior doors is to be made possible.
Radiation or gas hazard
- radioactive substances or dangerous gases getting into the environment
- an accident while transporting a dangerous substance
- an accident in a nuclear plant
- radiation sicknesses
- death
Actions and safety and security preparations
- Acquiring iodine pills as needed (2 tablets per person).
- The property has a civil defence shelter that can be used for shelter in the event of a radiation hazard.
- The operating condition of the civil defence shelter is maintained.
- Civil defence shelter operators have been nominated and trained for their task.
- The emergency stop for the ventilation has been labelled and passed on to the staff.
- There are instructions for different situations in the rescue plan.
Storm damage
- various natural phenomena
- blackouts
- damage to property
- personal injuries
Actions and safety and security preparations
- The state of the building and exterior areas is to be taken care of.
- The curfew set by the authorities must be respected.
- When taking shelter indoors, you must stay away from windows and glass doors.
- Prepare yourself independently for long power blackouts by, for example:
- a lamp and batteries
Criminal activity
- damage to property
Actions and safety and security preparations
- Marking and photographing of valuables.
- Supervising general cleanliness and order, and intervening actively in shortcomings.
- Graffiti and other smudges and smears should be cleaned without delay.
- Personnel are responsible for reporting faults.
Safety procedures
Extinguishing equipment
Location | Extinguishing equipment | Description |
Koko kiinteistö | Fire extinguisher | Kiinteistössä on alkusammuttimina 6 kg:n jauhesammuttimia, pikapaloposteja sekä sammutuspeitteitä. Kiinteistön yleisissä tiloissa olevien sammuttimien huollosta ja tarkastamisesta vastaa kiinteistöjohto. Alkusammutuskalusto tulee tarkastaa kahden vuoden välein. |
- at least yearly when the extinguisher is subjected to factors affecting its operational ability, such as moisture, vibration or fluctuations in temperature (outdoor areas)
- at least once every two years (indoor areas)
Safety equipment
Smoke extraction
The purpose of smoke ventilation is to remove fire gases, smoke and heat from the premises. The smoke ventilation equipment must be maintained and tested regularly according to the user maintenance instructions. The smoke ventilation equipment may only be used by the rescue services.
Description | Toimistotiloissa on savunpoistoikkunat, jotka ovat kaukolaukaistavissa savunpoistokeskukselta. Kellarien konesaleissa on koneellinen savunpoisto. Violin-talon itäsivulla on kolme manuaalisesti avattavaa savunpoistoluukkua ja Säterinkadun puolella on yksi savunpoistoluukku. |
Location of centre | 2 keskusta, Violin-talon A1-portaassa (1.krs) ja K1-kerroksessa |
Smoke removal activation | Paloilmoitinkeskuksella (Violin A1-porras 1.krs) |
Exit guide, security or signal light
Emergency exit signs show how to to exit the building. Any faulty or incomplete signs must be reported to property maintenance services.
Description | Poistumisovet on merkitty valaistuin ja akkuvarmennetuin poistumistieopastein. |
Location of centre | Sähköpääkeskuksella (K2-krs) ja A1-portaan viereisessä sähkökaapissa (K1-krs) |
Coverage | Koko kiinteistö |
Ventilation emergency stop
If the building is subjected to an external danger, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, the ventilation must be shut off. In such a case, the rescue authorities usually issue an emergency warning, providing additional instructions, such as to turn off ventilation systems.
Air ventilation can be stopped by anyone.
Ventilation emergency stop: Paloilmoitinkeskuksella (Violin 1. krs, A-porras)
First aid
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) 46 §, the employer is obligated to ensure the availability of first aid to employees and other personnel at the work place, to provide directions for getting first aid, as well as reserve enough first aid supplies at the work place or in its close proximity.
- The ambulance will be directed to: Ambulanssi ohjataan saapumaan rakennuksen aulaan, josta järjestetään jatko-opastus. Muista ilmoittaa asiasta myös aulaan ja järjestä henkilö aulaan/pääovelle oppaaksi..
- Emergency contact person: Vuokralaisilla omat vastuuhenkilöt.
Fire safety
Fire alarm
The purpose of the automatic fire alarm system is to warn people in the property about an imminent fire. The system detects fires quickly as sensors react to the fire and the alarm bells start ringing. The system will alert the emergency response centre automatically.
Description | Rakennuksessa on osoitteellinen paloilmoitinjärjestelmä, joka antaa automaattisen palohälytyksen hätäkeskukseen paloilmoitinjärjestelmän hälyttäessä. Järjestelmään on kytketty savuilmaisimia sekä paloilmoitinpainikkeita, joita on sijoitettu poistumisreittien varrelle. Paloilmoitinkeskus sijaitsee alakellarissa lämmönjakohuoneen viereisessä tilassa. Paloilmoitinkeskuksen näyttölaite sijaitsee Violin-talon katutasossa 1. kerroksen A1-portaassa. |
Location of centre | Violin 1.krs A1-porras |
Coverage | Koko kiinteistö |
Attendant |
Paloilmotinlaitteenhoitaja phone 0204912000 |
Securing the functionality of the notification transfer connection
- Periodic maintenance and malfunction repairs
- Monthly testing of the notification transfer connection
- Periodic inspections
Actions in the event of malfunction of the notification transfer connection
In the event that a malfunction is detected in the notification transfer connection, an enhanced surveillance is performed on the premises with the help of personnel.
- Connection to the emergency centre
- An on-call person to supervise the fire alarm centre
- An on-call person makes the emergency notification if needed and guides the rescue department to the site of fire
Fire compartmentalisation
The purpose of fire compartmentalisation is to limit the spread of smoke and fire and to secure safe exiting. For this reason, it is very important that the fire doors are kept closed. Fire doors must not be wedged open.
Building | Type | Description |
A-talo (Violin) | Tarkemmat tiedot osastoinnista löytyvät kiinteistön paloilmoitinjärjestelmän paikantamiskaavioista. | |
B-talo (Alto) | Tarkemmat tiedot osastoinnista löytyvät kiinteistön paloilmoitinjärjestelmän paikantamiskaavioista. |
Rescue route
The rescue way is a drive way, which the rescue department's vehicles can use in emergency situations to reach to within close proximity of the building.
- It is not permitted to park cars, pile up snow, set up lampposts, plant vegetation, or do, leave, or set up anything else that might block traffic on the rescue way.
- Escape routes must be indicated with a text sign in accordance with Ministry of the Interior decree no. 468 of 2003.
- A rescue way sign is not used if the rescue way is not marked in the building's construction permits.
- Please contact rescue authorities for advice on any escape route questions.
Location | Rakennusta ympäröivät ajoväylät. |
Description | Pelastustiet on merkitty turvakuviin sekä paloilmoitinjärjestelmän paikantamiskaavioon. |
Emergency exit routes
The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must haveat least two exit routes at all times which do not require keys or othertools to open the doors. Doors are not to be kept double-locked during working hours. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits.
There are the following types of evacuation procedure in the property:
Building | Evacuation procedures |
A-talo (Violin) | 2 porraskäytävää, jotka on varustettu valaistuin poistumistieopastein. |
B-talo (Alto) | 2 porraskäytävää, jotka on varustettu valaistuin poistumistieopastein. |
Hot work
Hot work is defined as work in which sparks arise or in which naked flames or other heat sources are used and may cause a fire hazard. Such work includes e.g. oxyacetylene and arc welding, flame and arc cutting, disc cutting and metal grinding, which create sparks, as well as work involving the use of gas burners, other open fire or combustion air blowers. Alternative methods must always be considered for hot work due to the fire hazard it presents.
Carrying out hot work always requires a hot work licence. The person carrying out the hot work must have a valid hot work card.
The fire alarm system tender must take care of any deactivations needed so that the hot work or other refurbishment work does not cause an unnecessary fire alarm.
Any possible fire alarm system deactivations are to be fixed.
Kiinteistössä tulitöiden suorittaminen on luvanvaraista. Luvan tulitöihin antaa kiinteistön tulitöiden valvontasuunnitelmassa mainitut henkilöt.
Other arrangements
Description | Molemmissa taloissa on 2 henkilöhissiä. |
Maintenance company | KONE Hissit Oy |
Ventilation device
Description | Ilmanvaihtokoneen tyyppi: Koneellinen ilmanvaihto |
Emergency stop switch location | Paloilmoitinkeskuksella (Violin 1. krs, A-porras) |
Action guidelines
The following pages contain a guide on accident prevention and on how to act in accident and danger situations. Read the action guide carefully!
The correct actions, solutions, and choices prevent and limit accidents. This way accidents can be minimised or they can be prevented altogether.
Safety and security are our shared concern!
Safety organisation
Safety personnel for the property
Manager of civil defence shelter VSS1, VSS2, VSS3 | Kiinteistöhuolto |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS1 | phone 095417059 |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS2 | phone 095417062 |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS3 | phone 095417065 |
Kiinteistö eri toimijat muodostavat yhdessä suojeluorganisaation. Suojeluorganisaatioon kuuluvat kiinteistöjohdon edustajat, suojelupäällikkö, yritysten turvallisuusvastaavat, suojeluvalvojat sekä vartioinnin ja kiinteistöhuollon edustajat. Suojeluorganisaatiolla on kaksi tehtävää: ensimmäisenä tehtävänä on normaaliaikana toimia omilla alueillaan pelastustoiminnan vastuuhenkilöinä ja toisena tehtävänä toimia operatiivisena organisaationa palohälytystilanteissa.
Suojelujohtoon kuuluvat kiinteistöjohdon edustajat, yritysten turvallisuusvastaavat ja talojen suojelupäälliköt. Suojelujohdon tehtävänä on vastata pelastustoiminnasta ja paloturvallisuudesta kiinteistössä. Suojelujohto johtaa toimintaa normaaliaikana ja poikkeusoloissa. Palohälytystilanteessa suojelujohdon tunnistaa oransseista huomioliiveistä.
Suojelujohdossa kiinteistöjohtoa edustavat kiinteistöyhtiön nimeämä toimitilapäällikkö sekä toimitilavastaava. Turvallisuusvastaava ja suojelupäällikkö valitaan kiinteistössä toimivien yritysten keskuudesta. Yritykset nimeävät turvallisuusvastaavansa itsenäisesti. Suojelupäällikkö valitaan suojeluorganisaation toimesta.
Tehtävät normaaliaikana:
- vastaa pelastustoiminnan ja paloturvallisuuden kokonaisuudesta
- vastaa koulutuksien ja harjoituksien järjestämisestä yhdessä kiinteistön edustajan kanssa
- vastaa suojeluorganisaation ylläpitämisestä siten, että suojeluorganisaatiossa on riittävästi suojeluvalvojia ja heidät on perehdytetty ja koulutettu tehtäviinsä. Muutoksista ilmoitetaan kiinteistöjohdolle. (turvallisuusvastaava)
Tehtävät palohälytystilanteessa:
- pukea suojeluorganisaation oranssit tai keltaiset huomioliivit ylleen
- johtaa toimintaa viranomaisen paikalle saapumiseen saakka
- vastaanottaa ilmoitukset suojeluvalvojilta kunkin suojelualueen tilanteesta
- ilmoittaa viranomaisille omatoimisesti suojelualueiden tilanteen suojeluvalvojien ilmoitusten mukaisesti
- määrää suojeluvalvojia valvomaan sisäänkäyntejä
- ohjeistaa kerrosvalvojia tilanteen mukaan
- antaa henkilökunnalle luvan palata kiinteistöön viranomaisen luvalla
Turvallisuusvastaava toimii osana suojelujohtoa. Jokainen yritys nimeää itse turvallisuudesta vastaavan henkilön, joka ylläpitää nimi- ja yhteystietolistaa oman yrityksensä suojeluvalvojista. Henkilön vastuulla on ilmoittaa tiedot suojeluvalvojista kiinteistöjohdolle.
Tehtävät normaaliaikana:
- ylläpitää nimi- ja yhteystietolistaa suojeluvalvojista oman yrityksensä osalta
- ilmoittaa tiedot yrityksensä suojeluvalvojista kiinteistöjohdolle
- henkilövaihdosten yhteydessä huolehtii siitä, että poistuvien suojeluvalvojien tilalle nimetään uudet henkilöt ja muutoksesta ilmoitetaan kiinteistöjohdolle
Tehtävät palohälytystilanteessa:
- toimii suojeluvalvojana omalla alueellaan, mikäli toimii samanaikaisesti kyseisessä tehtävässä
- mikäli ei toimi suojeluvalvojan tehtävässä, poistuu rakennuksesta kokoontumispaikalle lähintä poistumisreittiä käyttäen
Suojeluvalvojien vastuulla on operatiivisen toiminnan tehtävät jokaisessa palohälytystilanteessa. Ensisijainen toiminnan tarkoitus on ohjata ja opastaa ihmiset ulos rakennuksesta nopeasti ja lähimpiä poistumisreittejä käyttäen. Suojeluvalvojien tehtävänä on opastaa rakennuksessa oleskelevia henkilöitä selkeästi ja kuuluvasti palohälytystilanteessa sekä tarkastaa oman vastuualueensa tilat ja varmistaa ovien ja ikkunoiden sulkeminen ennen siirtymistä viimeisenä ulos rakennuksesta. Palohälytystilanteessa suojeluvalvojan tunnistaa keltaisista huomioliiveistä.
Tehtävät normaaliaikana:
- toimivat pelastustoiminnan ja paloturvallisuuden järjestelyjen valvojina alueillaan
- ilmoittavat puutteista ja epäkohdista suojelujohdolle ja huollolle
- toimivat vastuualueensa henkilökunnalle perehdyttäjinä ja opastajina
Tehtävät palohälytystilanteessa:
- ottavat välittömästi tilannejohdon omilla vastuualueillaan palohälytyksen alkaessa
- pukevat suojeluorganisaation keltaiset huomioliivit ylleen
- opastavat ja ohjaavat ihmiset ulos tiloista lähimpiä poistumisreittejä käyttäen
- tarkastavat oman vastuualueensa kaikki tilat samalla sulkien avonaiset ovet ja ikkunat
- siirtyvät viimeisenä ulos vastuualueeltaan lähintä poistumisreittiä käyttäen
- ilmoittavat vastuualueensa tilanteen suojelujohtajalle ja toimivat tämän jälkeen hänen ohjeidensa mukaan
- ohjaavat ihmisiä siirtymään kokoontumispaikalle kiinteistön välittömästä läheisyydestä
Vartiointi ja kiinteistöhuolto
Tehtävät normaaliaikana:
- toimia pelastustoiminnan ja paloturvallisuuden järjestelyjen valvojina
- ilmoittaa puutteista ja epäkohdista suojelujohdolle ja huollolle
Tehtävät palohälytystilanteessa:
- paikallistaa palohälytyksen sijainti paloilmoitinkeskukselta
- opastaa pelastusviranomaisia heidän saavuttuaan kohteelle
Alerting help
In all urgent emergency situations, whether it be a police, fire department, paramedic, or a social worker case involving an urgent need for help CALL THE EMERGENCY NUMBER: 112
- Call the emergency number yourself if you can
- It is important to make the emergency call yourself, if the matter concerns you. The victim has more knowledge on the situation, based on which the dispatcher can send help accordingly. Using middle-men to make the call can delay getting the right kind of help on site.
- Tell what happened
- The emergency centre dispatcher will ask the caller about what happened so that they can send the appropriate assistance.
- Give the exact address and municipality
- The emergency centre might have several same addresses in different municipalities/cities in its service area. Therefore it is also important to know the name of the town/city/municipality where the accident has taken place.
- Answer the questions that are asked of you
- The questions asked by the dispatcher are important. They do not delay alarming for help. In urgent cases the dispatcher already alerts the authorities and other partners during the call, and gives them more information on what has happened.
- Act according to the information given to you
- The dispatcher is trained to give instructions in various types of situations. It is important to follow the given instructions. Correct initial actions often play an important role in the end result.
- End the call only after you're given permission to do so.
- Ending the call too soon may delay the help from arriving. After you are given the permission to end the call, end it. Keep the phone line open. The dispatcher or the help on its way may need additional information on what has happened.
In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows:
Pelastuslaitos saapuu automaattisissa palohälytyksissä kiinteistön paloilmoitinkeskukselle. Muussa tapauksessa ohjataan saapumaan pääovelle/aulaan, josta järjestetään jatko-opastus.
Sudden illness or accident
- Clarify and check
- What has happened?
- Check the person's condition (do they wake up, are they breathing?)
- Give first aid if needed.
- Turn an unconscious but breathing patient into the recovery position on their side.
- If the person is not breathing, start with first aid.
- Make an emergency call.
- Call the number 112.
- Tell where you are calling from. Linnoitustie 4 A-B, ESPOO
- Tell what happened
- Act according to directions.
- Inform the emergency centre of any changes that take place in the condition of the patient.
- Save and warn
- Rescue those in immediate danger and warn others.
- Direct people to the gathering area.
- Extinguish and contain
- Try initial extinguishing and avoid smoke. Do not put yourself in danger.
- Contain the spreading of the fire and smoke by closing the windows and doors that lead into the fire area.
- Alert
- Use the fire alarm button to alert the fire department and to warn others with fire bells.
- After getting to a safe location, call the number 112 (also after using the fire alarm button).
- Say where you are calling from, where the fire is (address and floor) and if there are people in danger.
- Do not hang up the phone until you are given permission to do so.
- Guide
- Direct the rescue personnel to the location.
- In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows: Pelastuslaitos saapuu automaattisissa palohälytyksissä kiinteistön paloilmoitinkeskukselle. Muussa tapauksessa ohjataan saapumaan pääovelle/aulaan, josta järjestetään jatko-opastus.
- Using the lift in the event of a fire is strictly forbidden!
In evacuation situations the gathering area is: Linnoitustien puoleinen jalkakäytäväalue
Back-up gathering area: Suojelujohdon tai pelastusviranomaisen osoittama muu paikka
Fire action guide, when safe exits are blocked
Sometimes a fire in another location prevents safe exit from the building. In these cases it is smartest to stay in a smokeless space and keep all doors and other openings closed.
- Stay in the fire compartment that you are in.
- It is safe to stay behind the fire door. Fire doors withstand fire for at least half an hour.
- Jumping from a height has fatal consequences, reamining in a smoke-free area does not.
- Go to a window and attract attention. If you do not manage to do this, let people know your location by calling 112.
- Follow directions from the authorities.
Action in a fire alarm situation
The building has an automatic fire alarm system, which sends an alert to the rescue department. Everyone must vacate the building immediately when they hear the fire alarm.
- Bring outdoor clothes with you if they are nearby.
- Close doors and windows
- Use the nearest escape route to exit the building.
- Direct customers and guests.
- Call the number 112 from a safe location and provide further information about the situation. At the same time, you will make sure that the emergency center has been notified about the fire.
- Move to the gathering area; do not stay in front of the entrances.
- No-one may leave the gathering area without permission.
The danger is only over when the rescue department gives permission to return to the building. The safety personnel of the property passes on the announcement concerning moving back inside to the personnel.
Action in the gathering area
When people have left the building and proceeded to the gathering area, the representative of the personnel begins to direct activities. Based on the situation at hand, it is necessary to consider whether it is safe to remain in the designated gathering area or if people should be directed elsewhere, for example into a pre-arranged interior area or to a property in the vicinity.
No-one may leave the gathering area without the permission of the person responsible for the gathering area. Activity in the gathering area is directed by the building's safety personnel. The safety personnel give information on the progress of the situation and notify when it is permitted to return into the property.
Factors to bear in mind in the gathering area:
- Taking care of anyone who may be injured; the safety personnel are to be informed
- looking after people with reduced mobility or otherwise poor physical condition
- if one is aware of someone having remained inside, this is to be reported
Back-up gathering area
If the gathering area is not safe, then people are to move on to a safe back-up gathering area defined separately by the protection managers. Authorities will also provide instructions about shelter locations for long-term shelter.
Assisting people with reduced mobility in emergency situations
In an emergency situation, the movement of people with reduced mobility out of the building may be difficult and slow. Try to help them as much as you are able to.
- Things to consider when helping people with reduced mobility
- Help a person with reduced mobility to exit, within the limits of your own capabilities.
- Take care of the person you helped also after getting out.
Water damage
- Action guide
- Disconnect power from where the leak is and from its proximity.
- Stop the water from flowing, from i.e. the water mains, if possible.
Notify of the situation immediately:
- to the maintenance personnel: Bravida Finland Oy, phone 0800156666, service 0800156666
- Contact the emergency number if needed 112.
- Main water shutoff: -
- Heat distribution room: K2-krs
- Electricity switchboard: K2-krs
- Should there be threat of water outside the building
- Inform property maintenance and, if needed, the emergency centre on 112.
Under threat of violence
In an unarmed threatening situation, act in the following way.
- Act calmly and try to calm the person with your behaviour.
- Make sure you do not turn your back or let yourself be cornered, so that you will always have an escape route when a threatening person comes close.
- Call for help depending on the circumstances.
- Escape and help others escape.
Take care of your own safety. Seek to direct the threatening person to a place where they cannot harm others. After the event, contact the police about the incident if required.
If the threatening person is armed, act in the following way.
- Do not resist.
- Do whatever the person threatening you tells you to do.
- As the situation permits, try to warn others.
- By closing doors, you can limit a person's movement within the property.
- After the situation, call 112 to get professional help on site as fast as possible. Listen to directions and act accordingly.
Every threat and sighting of a possibly threatening situation must be taken seriously and the police must be informed immediately. Through your own behaviour, you can affect the progress of the situation, and thus you should take all threatening situations seriously and try to calm down already begun situations.
Bomb threat
A bomb threat is often unfounded and made by a disturbed individual, but it should always be taken seriously, and each threat should be notified to the police. In this situation, it is important to keep calm.
When the threat is made by phone
- Remain calm. Prolong the call.
- Make notes. Write the threat down word-for-word.
Ask questions.
- Where is the bomb?
- What does the bomb look like?
- When will the bomb explode?
- Why?
- Try to get your colleague's attention already during the phone call, so that he/she can inform the person responsible for safety during the call.
Pay attention to the caller's speaking style and tone of voice.
- Does he/she use noticeable dialect or other special characteristics?
- Is he/she agitated?
- Is he/she reading the message from a piece of paper?
- Listen to the background noises as well (e.g. traffic or discussions in the background).
- After the call, notify the safety and security personnel on your premises or property (cf. chapter of safety and security personnel).
- If this is not possible, call the police immediately at 112 and act according to their instructions.
A suspicious object or threatening letter
- Do not touch the object.
- If the item in question is a letter or other such object that you have handled, pay attention to the places you have touched and place the letter in a plastic pocket, for example.
- Notify immediately the personnel responsible for safety and security on your premises and the property (cf. chapter on safety and security personnel) as well as the police at emergency number 112.
- Isolate the area as well as possible. Keep in mind possible police investigations (fingerprints and footprints are first-class evidence).
- Do not panic. Act according to the instructions from the police and the safety personnel.
Public warning signal
The public warning signal is a one-minute-long ascending and descending tone or a warning announcement by the authorities. The length of the ascending tone is 7 seconds. The public warning signal means an immediate danger threatening the public.
The All Clear signal is a one-minute-long monotonous signal. It is an announcement of the threat or danger having passed.
- Act in the following way after you've heard the public warning signal
- Proceed indoors. Close doors, windows, ventilation holes, and air conditioning devices.
- Turn on the radio and wait for instructions.
- Avoid using the phone to prevent telephone lines from getting jammed.
- Do not leave the area unless urged to do so by the authorities.
Gas hazard
- Public warning signal in danger situations concerning gas
- Do the following
- If you are indoors and can smell gas:
- stay inside, get to the top floors and listen for further information on the radio
- place a wet cloth over your mouth and breathe through it
- If you are outside when you smell gas but are not able to get indoors:
- hurry into side wind from underneath the gas cloud
- try to get as high as possible, for example to the top of a hill
- Additional information on taking cover from gas
- Switch off air conditioning devices and close doors and windows tightly.
- You can also close or tape inside doors and stay in upwind areas.
- If you smell gas you can breathe through a moist and spongy cloth.
- The authorities will announce on radio or with vehicles with loudspeakers when the gas cloud has dispersed. Ventilate indoors well after the event.
- Stay on the upper floors until the danger is over.
- Do not go into the basement.
Radiation hazard
A public warning signal is given upon the threat of radiation.
Go inside.
- Close doors, windows, ventilation holes, and air conditioning devices.
- The centre and basement of the building are the best places to take shelter. Take iodine tablets only when advised to do so by the authorities (there should be two iodine tablets per person).
Avoid moving outside
Additional instructions
You will get additional information from your city's rescue authorities, from broadcast media, and from Yle's (the Finnish Broadcasting Company's) Teletext page 867. You can also find information from the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority's website www.stuk.fi and the website of the rescue authorities www.pelastustoimi.fi.
In the event of a power cut, the safety lights will remain on.
Using lifts during a power cut is not possible.
Action during a power cut
Electricity is down in the operating premises, but the lights of public areas are still working
- If possible, check the fuses in the operating premises' own electrical switchboard.
- If the problem was not solved, contact property maintenance (tel. 0800156666).
Electricity is down in both the operating premises and the public areas
- Use a flashlight
- Direct others, if so needed.
In the event of a power cut, lifts will stop working. Should you be stuck on a lift due to a power cut or other failure, act as follows:
Contact the lift maintenance emergency line:
- by mobile phone - (KONE Hissit Oy, 080015063)
When necessary, you can call the general emergency number 112.
Civil defence
The purpose of the civil defence shelter is to protect people from collapses, explosion pressure waves and fragments, gases, radiation and fire. This property has 3 civil defence shelters. It is recommended that a civil defence shelter have an elected manager and deputy. It is good for the property's shelter's manager to learn how to use the equipment and how to prepare the shelter for use.
This property has 3 civil defence shelters:
Location | Protection grade | Surface area | Defence shelter places | Location of equipment |
Alto K2-krs (varastot) | S1 | 89 m² | 118 | |
Alto K2-krs (sosiaalitilat) | S1 | 89 m² | 118 | |
Alto K2-krs (kuntosali) | S1 | 40 m² | 53 |
Three of the civil defence shelters is in class S1. The civil defence shelter in protection class S1 is a newer shelter, built after 1971. It is possible to stay in this shelter model for long time periods. The shelter has a manually operated or mechanical air intake machinery, equipped with a pre-filter and an activated carbon particle filter.
The authorities provide instructions by radio if it is necessary to move to civil defence shelters and information on which of the public shelters people are to move to. Moving into the civil defence shelters therefore always happens as a result of direction by the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient. There are 110,000 spaces altogether in the civil defence shelters of Finland.
Safeguard evasion
Safeguard evasion means controlled relocations of members of the population from a danger zone in a situation where this is considered less risky than taking cover indoors. Such situations are for example fast-developing dangerous substance accidents, extensive harm caused by exhaust fumes, danger of explosion, and radiation situations.
Safeguard evasion is always done on a special order from the authorities. The authorities have planned in advance to perform a safeguard evasion from the area and reserved the necessary transportation equipment for it.
Storing movables
Storage of different kinds of objects may lead to a hazard of fire starting or spreading, the prevention of safe exit in an emergency situation and increased difficulty in extinguishing the fire.
The building's exit hallways and staircase areas must be kept walkable and clear of any obstacles.
- Exit corridors, staircases, inside hallways, basement and storage area passages
- It is not permitted to store any items.
- Basement spaces
- Do not store easily flammable material.
- Storage of flammable liquids (e.g. liquefied gas and petrol) prohibited.
- Under or near buildings
- It is not permitted to store flammable material or other goods by the walls of the building, e.g. garbage containers, piles of cardboard, or transportation trays
- Attention!
- The rescue authorities can permit single case exceptions, for example for storing a larger amount or allowing storage in a different place or limit storing, if safety requires that
This rescue plan has the following attachments:
Additionally, the internet service has the following attachments available:
Vuokralaisten velvollisuudet
Jokainen yritys vastaa omien tilojensa paloturvallisuudesta ja pelastustoiminnasta. Yritysten tulee nimetä turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö, joka toimii osana suojeluorganisaatiota. Henkilö huolehtii edustamansa yrityksen osalta suojeluvalvojien riittävyydestä sekä heidän perehdyttämisestään suojeluvalvojan tehtävään. Henkilövaihdoksissa poistuvien henkilöiden tilalle tulee aina nimetä uudet suojeluvalvojat. Turvallisuudesta vastaava henkilö ylläpitää nimi- ja yhteystietolistaa yrityksensä suojeluvalvojista ja ilmoittaa henkilömuutoksista kiinteistön johdolle. Vuokralaiset toimivat osana kiinteistön suojeluorganisaatiota.
Tilanhaltijan sekä toiminnanharjoittajan on osaltaan huolehdittava siitä, että rakennus, rakennelma ja sen ympäristö pidetään sellaisessa kunnossa, että:
- tulipalon syttymisen, tahallisen sytyttämisen sekä leviämisen vaara on vähäinen
- rakennuksessa olevat henkilöt pystyvät tulipalossa tai muussa äkillisessä vaaratilanteessa poistumaan rakennuksesta tai heidät voidaan pelastaa muulla tavoin
- pelastustoiminta on tulipalon tai muun onnettomuuden sattuessa mahdollista.
Helposti syttyvää materiaalia tai muuta tavaraa ei saa säilyttää ullakolla, kellarissa, kulku- tai poistumisteillä, rakennuksen alla tai sen välittömässä läheisyydessä.
Seuraavat varusteet ja laitteet on pidettävä toimintakunnossa sekä huollettava ja tarkastettava asianmukaisesti:
- sammutusvälineet
- palonilmaisu-, hälytys- ja muut onnettomuuden vaaraa ilmaisevat laitteet
- poistumisreittien opasteet ja valaistus.
Tilan haltija ja toiminnanharjoittaja vastaavat osaltaan laitteiden kunnosta ja ilmoittavat epäkohdista kiinteistöjohdolle.
Tilan haltijan sekä toiminnanharjoittajan on osaltaan:
- ehkäistävä tulipalojen syttymistä ja muiden vaaratilanteiden syntymistä
- varauduttava henkilöiden, omaisuuden ja ympäristön suojaamiseen vaaratilanteissa
- varauduttava tulipalojen sammuttamiseen ja muihin sellaisiin pelastustoimenpiteisiin, joihin ne omatoimisesti kykenevät
- ryhdyttävä toimenpiteisiin poistumisen turvaamiseksi tulipaloissa ja muissa vaaratilanteissa sekä toimenpiteisiin pelastustoiminnan helpottamiseksi.
How to use a small fire extinguisher
- Turn the extinguisher upside down and shake the extinguisher to ensure the powder's running.
- Remove the safety pin.
- Approach the fire from the direction of the wind.
- If you are indoors, approach low on the floor, as this will improve the visibility.
- Take a hold of the extinguisher's hose from the end and direct the extinguishing substance at the base of the flames, don't cut through them.
- Start extinguishing from the front and continue towards the back, or from bottom to top.
- Extinguishing can be improved with a back and forth motion.
- The whole area that is burning must be covered in the extinguisher cloud.
- After the flames are extinguished the extinguishing can be stopped.
- Observer the burnt object and make sure that the fire is out.
- If the target catches fire again, repeat the extinguishing.
Car shelter
The vehicle shelter is intended only for the storage of motor vehicles. The intended use is mentioned in the up-to-date construction permit.
The car shelter may not be used in contravention of the building permit except with the permission of the building monitor. The purpose of use is a parking area for motor vehicles, i.e. not a car wash, loading area, refuse room, storeroom, shop, flea market, car repair garage, tire store etc.
Keeping other loose equipment in vehicle shelters is more limited due to greater risks to personal property and people. In addition to motor vehicles, the following objects may be stored:
- mopeds, motorcycles, snowmobiles and other motor vehicles in the Finnish Transport Safety Agency's vehicle registry
- bicycles
- a small trailer if empty
- vehicles intended for the care of the property.
In addition to the list above it is not permitted to store other property, such as:
- additional appliances attachable to the vehicles intended for the care of the property
- working machines, such as excavators, vibrators, driven cranes, etc.
Description | Rakennuksen alla on pysäköintitilaa 2 kerroksessa. |
Car heating cables
Car heating cables should be detached from the power outlet and the cable in the outlet should not be left hanging on the heating pole. The cover of the outlet box should also be kept locked.
An open outlet box and a freely hanging heating cable with voltage cause danger of an electric shock. If the plug-in unit falls into a puddle or snow, it may electrify the surrounding area. In addition, the heating cable may break and become a hazard while clearing snow in the area, for example. An open outlet box is susceptible to vandalism.
Users should be advised on the safe use and storage of the car heating cable. The housing organisation is responsible for the safety of the property, and if, for example, an external party is injured, the housing organisation will be held responsible. A car user who has incorrectly left the cable attached to the outlet is also responsible for their part for any possible damages.
When pre-heating a car, you should only use a heating cable suitable for the purpose and an interior space heater designed for cars. Using an extension cable should be avoided as extension cables are generally not child-proof and they are easily left on the ground, where they are subjected to water, dirt and snow. The connection cable and condition of the plugs should be checked at regular intervals.
If the car heating equipment is not used or their condition is not preserved, danger of an electric shock to the user or another person follows. It also poses a fire hazard.
Key security
A log must be maintained of released keys and it is important to make sure they are returned when the person's work or residential contract ends.
Keys are released based on need upon signing them out. The keys must remain continuously under control of the person who signed them off. Any key or access tag in your name is not to be given to a third party in any circumstances.