

Save and warn
  • Rescue those in immediate danger and warn others.
  • Direct people to the gathering area.
Extinguish and contain
  • Try initial extinguishing and avoid smoke. Do not put yourself in danger.
  • Contain the spreading of the fire and smoke by closing the windows and doors that lead into the fire area.
  • Use the fire alarm button to alert the fire department and to warn others with fire bells.
  • After getting to a safe location, call the number 112 (also after using the fire alarm button).
  • Say where you are calling from, where the fire is (address and floor) and if there are people in danger.
  • Do not hang up the phone until you are given permission to do so.
  • Direct the rescue personnel to the location.
  • In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows: In the event of a fire alarm, the rescue service arrives at the B building's entrance, where the building's fire detector is located. If a fire has been detected in the building, a guide who is able to guide is sent to the E-building entrance to meet the fire department.

In evacuation situations the gathering area is: The common gathering area for buildings D and E is the paved square at the end of the E building, about 20 meters from the front door. The activities are managed from the meeting place in front of building B, so all important information must be communicated to the safety organisation working there. Since the buildings are being evacuated at the same time, there are a lot of people, and at the gathering place you should therefore try to gather in as tight a group as possible, so that everyone can fit in without being badly disturbed by outside traffic.

Back-up gathering area: If the weather or other conditions require protection indoors, the lobby of the A building of Alberga Business Park can be used.